by adminKPI | Jan 31, 2014
This week we introduced a new game – kickball! For many of us, kickball was one of our favorite sports during gym class (that and dodgeball). As a young child, many times you don’t recognize the values you are learning while playing a sport. Kickball is all about the...
by adminKPI | Jan 24, 2014
This was an eventful week for KPI. Check out a few of our many updates below. Don’t miss out on Celebrate Sochi or the opportunity to Sponsor-A-Child to Play & Learn! TRADITIONAL DANCE For the past two weeks, our focus has been on Rwandan Traditional Dance....
by adminKPI | Jan 6, 2014
Are you ready to commit to a New Year’s Resolution that will knock your socks off and leave you dancing barefoot? Who wouldn’t be, right? There is only one way this happens (and it doesn’t count if you take your own socks off right now and start...
by adminKPI | Dec 13, 2013
We are very excited to announce that this Thursday, Kids Play Intl became official landowners in Gatagara!! Thanks to the tremendous support of our friends and supporters, KPI was able to raise the funds necessary to purchase land for our Field of Opportunity during...
by adminKPI | Dec 5, 2013
As we all know, KPI is not just about sport. Our goal is to use sport for social change, in particular, gender equity. We believe the best way to introduce the gender equity discussion is through fair play. As you may have read in previous posts, our fair play...
by adminKPI | Dec 2, 2013
Next up, Coach William “Willy” Niyigaba. KPI is pleased to introduce you to Coach Willy who has been a member of the KPI coaching team since August. He is currently a sixth grade (P6) Social Studies teacher at G.S. Kaganza, one of our partner schools....