When you Sponsor a Player you receive a special way to educate, inspire and support one of our Youth to not only Play Sport but Learn from Sport.
When YOU Sponsor a Player your support will enroll a KPI player(s) in our year round Let’s Play Fair, All Girls United and Play Fair Community Day programs; providing the next generation of youth with the skills, training, tools and the confidence to achieve higher levels of education and employment.
Sponsored Players Receive:
Benefits include: (and may vary between country program sites):
1) Free Program Enrollment- 450+ hours/year of sport for development programming annually per youth. Local Coach Training, Sports Equipment and Uniform, a field to deliver our program.
2) Education- Books, School Lunches, Medical Insurance, Uniforms, Exam Fees
3) Food and Clean Water- Healthy program Snacks, Family Food Distributions, and Community access to clean filtered water.
4) Parent Education- Sexual Reproductive Health, Child Trafficking, Menstrual Hygiene, Family Planning, Positive Parenting,
5) Mental Health Services- Free Counselling and referral resource networking
You Receive:
- Quarterly Newsletters
- Annual Report on Sponsor a Player Impact
- Ability to join us on a Travel with a Purpose trip to meet the Youth you are impacting.

Can I send items to Kids Play Youth?
KPI requests that individualized packages or support is not sent to any 1 specfic youth so to not have hurt feelings or create jealousy amongst our youth. We DO however accept inkind donations that can be brought over with our volunteer groups each year. Items we are always in need of are; sanitary pads, sports equipemnt, shorts, donations toward T-shirts, Coach whistles, etc. Please email us for more information.
How often will I be updated about the Youth being Sponsored?
You can expect to receive quarterly newsletters, an annual report and we always encourage you to come Travel with a Purpose to meet all of our amazing Youth, their famlies and our coaches.
What happens if a KPI player(s) decides to drop out of school?
KPI youth have faced tremendous obstacles in their lives and continue to face significant challenges to their academic lives – and many girls face significant cultural pressure to marry young and have children or to stay home to work and look after their siblings. In the event these challenges occur, KPI will meet with the family, the KPI Youth and the Headmaster at the school to address the issues they may face and determine how we can try and keep them in school.
What happens once a KPI player(s) graduates out of KPI programs?
All graduating youth will enter into our KPI Alumni Group and are welcome to return to our Program as a Guest during Holidays or to continue to participate in our weekly Play Fair Community days. Additionally, graduating participants have the opportunity to become Junior Coaches to mentor and support our younger KPI players and can go through training to become full time Coaches.
Can I visit KPI Player(s) in Rwanda or Cambodia?

KPI organizes annual volunteer trips to Rwanda or Cambodia for KPI friends, supporters, donors and guest Olympic and professional athletes to visit and participate in our programs and special Celebrations. It’s an incredible opportunity to experience our work first-hand, volunteer alongside Olympians and meet the incredibly inspiring and resilient children that are directly impacted by your support.
Visit our Volunteer Trips page for more info.
How do I Sponsor a Player?
You can make your donation through our Sponsor a Player donation page, or by mailing a check to:
Kids Play International
541 Maple Drive, Park City, UT 84098
You can make monthly or an annual donation and it will be earmarked for KPI Sponsor a Player.
We are grateful for your support and welcome donations to other programs throughout the year. Thank you in advance!