Today closes the end of a great week for KPI. As many of you know, we relaunched our program in June and have been building our curriculum and day-to-day activities around Olympic core values, specifically, fair play. For KPI, fair play values include, community, contribution, opportunity, moral courage, and respect.
Over the past two weeks, KPI has focused our team time conversations on respect. Last week we split all of the groups into teams and each met with their coach of the day to discuss respect. After ten minutes, all of the teams created a large circle and representatives from each team shared their views on respect. General feedback from both groups included examples from home, school, and KPI. The kids mentioned that at KPI one shows respect by 1) showing up on time, 2) not talking when the coach is talking, 3) not pushing in line, 4) not cutting in line, and 5) being kind to each other.
This week we took the conversation a step further by assigning each team to create a skit showing respect. Each team had time to prepare and then 3-5 mins to preform the next meeting time. Our 7-12 yr olds did an amazing job! They were very enthusiastic and each communicated the meaning of respect well. Skits included how to treat your neighbor, how to behave in class, how to speak with adults, etc. Due to the fact that students are in an exam week, we postponed the skits for the older group until next week.
Overall, the kids have been doing a wonderful job and KPI is grateful for its coaching staff and their enthusiasm for our discussions. We are currently experiencing the best KPI has to offer – not only are our volleyball lessons going fabulously, but our discussions are becoming richer each time we meet. Next week we will being to discuss community. Stay tuned!