KPI hosted its second clinic for our coaches last Tuesday-Thursday. Among many other things, the goal of the clinic was to the review our KPI core values, fair play attributes, program structure & components, and role of a coach. At least every three months, KPI intends to host such trainings to ensure our coaches are equipped to implement the Let’s Play Fair Program the way it is intended and to allow for additional feedback and growth

Our amazing coaches…Willy’s behind the camera!
Overall the clinic was a huge success. KPI is very blessed to have such a great group of individuals working on our team. Of the sixteen coaches who attended our first clinic in August, we have thirteen who have continued to show commitment to the program and have proven to be crucial in our growth and success.
During the clinic, we discussed KPI’s core values: Excellence, Friendship, & Fair Play, and how our program is directly linked to the Olympic values due to our Founder, Tracy Evans’, experiences. Additionally, we discussed our five fair play attributes: Respect, Community, Contribution, Opportunity, and Moral Courage. The coaches all gave their thoughts on how we currently integrate each into our program and how we can improve.
We emphasized the importance of our female coaches taking more leadership roles and how essential it is for our kids to hear their voices and see them as leaders. We also discussed how vital it is to continue to make sure we have gender equity in every thing we do – one boy, one girl. At all times, players should have opposite gender partners so we can start building and maintaining healthy relationships.
Following our discussions on our attributes, we introduced our program components. Unbeknownst to our coaches, they had already played a large role in establishing the foundation of our six program components. Today, we wanted to break down exactly how each plays a role in the program and establishing the type of program culture KPI seeks to have now and going forward.
The clinic took place over three days and we covered a variety of topics, including first aid, coach as a mentor, etc. The KPI leadership team was incredibly impressed with the coach’s level of engagement and their ability to implement immediately following the clinic at the program.

Coach Christine and Esperance jumping over cones during our agility training!
The program was AMAZING last week thanks to their efforts, particularly our female coaches. They responded immediately to our plea of having them as leaders and jumped right in the circle to lead discussions
As athletes, we truly value the importance of a team effort. KPI would not be making the progress it is today without these thirteen great people turned coaches. We are so thankful for their commitment and look forward to continuing to grow together.