Tuesday Gerard, Emmy, and Kate spent the morning visiting our KPI partner schools.  Currently KPI has three partners – Kaganza, Mwanabiri, and Nyartouvo.  All three schools are walking distance (10-35 mins) from the community field where we host our Let’s Play Fair program.

Nyartouvou Primary School, Gatagara, Rwanda

Nyartouvou Primary School, Gatagara, Rwanda

In Rwanda, general education is primary and secondary school. Similar to the US, students who complete their studies spend twelve years in school.  Primary school is P1-P6 or 1st grade -6th grade and secondary school is S1-S6 or 7th grade-12th grade.  Due to responsibilities at home, many youth in the villages only complete primary school and/or S3 depending on their family’s situation and need for an additional income, childcare, etc.  As a result of genocide, many youth did not have the opportunity to complete secondary school because they were leading child-headed households and responsible for raising and supporting their siblings, cousins, etc.  Thankfully, as Rwanda heals from the wounds of genocide, more families are in a position to allow their children to continue on to secondary school and complete their studies.  However, in villages like Gatagara, cost and family size continues to make completing school a challenge.

In Gatagara, there are three schools. KPI Let’s Play Fair participants are currently enrolled at Mwanabiri, a primary school, Nyartovou or Kaganza, both primary and secondary schools.  Mwanabiri and Nyartovou both have 1,000+ students while Kaganza has 3,000+. The average class size at all three schools is 50, at Kaganza, classes can have up to 80 students in one room.

Unfortunately, gym class for all of these 5,000+ students is not an option.  They have a free period built into their schedules but all three schools do not have ANY equipment aside from what KPI has supplied in the past.


Coach Francoise & Coach Gerard with students from one of Mwanabiri’s P6 classes

Today, on behalf of KPI, Gerard, Emmy, and Kate had the opportunity to drop off two soccer balls and one volleyball for each school.  You would have thought we filled an equipment room with brand new equipment!  The Headmasters and teachers, many who are KPI coaches, were overjoyed and incredibly grateful.  KPI is so thankful to be working with partners who have a wonderful attitude of gratitude!

Coach Eric from Kaganza School was VERY excited about the new equipment.

Coach Eric from Kaganza School was VERY excited about the new equipment.

Interested in donating equipment to our partner schools or our KPI Let’s Play Fair program? Let us know!! Contact Kate at kate@kidsplayintl.org.