We must always have self-confidence!
One day as Christine, Joyeuse and Divine were walking to our KPI program they decided they wanted to come up with a cheer to celebrate what they were learning during our self-empowerment season. So, together the 3 girls collaborated and came up with a short empowering phrase which they shared with their coach and peers during our small group “team time” portion of our program. The coach loved what the girls had come up with and quickly encouraged them to share this cheer with all of the players during closing circle. So, the three of the girls came together in the middle of closing circle and excitedly
explained to everyone what they had come up with and why. They then demonstrated the cheer by bringing their hands together, one on top of the other, and in cadence loudly cheered, “We must always have self-confidence!”. Quickly, all of the other players came together and joined in on the fun shouting: “We must always have self-confidence!”. “We must always have self-confidence!”. It was quite an empowering moment to see these 3 girls who in the past were quiet and tentative to have the confidence and creativity to use their voices to share their ideas with others. They not only e
mpowered themselves but motivated others around them!
Way to go Christine, Joyeuse and Divine, you girls inspired many today!