KPI is excited to collaborate with Virginia Tech on monitoring and evaluation of our Let’s Play Fair program. This November, eleven Virginia Tech students will visit KPI in Gatagara for 5 weeks and carry out an impact evaluation of our programming thus far as well as a needs assessment of the community. Though this project, KPI will gather information on how we can make our program even better and how we can continue to meet the needs of our community.
Prior to arriving in Gatagara, the students will spend 9 weeks in Switzerland preparing for the project as part of a study abroad. During this time, the students will take classes led by three Virginia Tech staff members in order to develop the methodology for the evaluation. Dr. David Brinberg is a professor of Marketing and Professor of Psychology at Virginia Tech. David has extensive expertise in the areas of social marketing, research methodology and decision making. Dr. Kim Daniloski received her PhD from Virginia Tech where she is now a Visiting Assistant Professor and Study Abroad Program Coordinator. Louise Boland is the Global Relations and Project Development Consultant at Linking Lives. Linking Lives is an international education program administered by Virginia Tech.