KPI just finished its second full week with twelve new coaches and is very excited to report that females are well represented! Although KPI is incredibly grateful for the support and dedication of Jean Paul, Flodouard, and Gerard, we are ecstatic about our new gender balance. For the past two weeks, both genders have been present which is essential for us to model gender equity for our participants.
All of the coaches, aside from Jean Paul and Gerard, are teachers at KPI’s three partner schools. Since they are already colleagues, everyone is familiar with each other, creating an easy transition onto the playing field. Overall, the coaches are enthusiastic and introducing new songs and games daily. The kids and coaches are feeding off of each other’s energy and the program is thriving.
As of yesterday, the coaches introduced the new KPI clap 1-2-123-1234-1-2! Following the clap, coaches and participants yell “Turikumwe” (“we are together”) to emphasize our togetherness and community.
Stay tuned for more updates and keep an eye out for our clapping video soon!