Tracy Evans

3-Time Olympian & Founder


Building Positive Culture and Connection

How Kids Play International’s 5 PlayFair skills Strengthen and Inspire Companies, Coaches and Communities around the World.

A Unique Approach

“I will share inspirational impact that changed culture and improved connections between people who live in some of the harshest most imbalanced patriarchal environments – and I know if we can positively shift thoughts, beliefs and actions in communities that have endured such atrocities, we certainly are capable of doing it here (USA)! ”     

Tracy Evans, 3x Olympian, Founder of Kids Play International, Inc. 

What is PlayFair

Kids Play has adapted their proven gender equity, sports-based programming and methodology from Rwanda and Cambodia into relevant professional development, keynotes and youth camps for the United States.  PlayFair builds competencies around our 5 PlayFair skills:      1 ) Respect; 2 ) Community; 3 ) Contribution; 4 ) Opportunity; and 5 ) Moral Courage.

The PlayFair training provides a framework for participants to foster positive culture and connections in the places they play, work, and live.

Keynote Speaking, Professional Development, and Camps can be geared toward any of these groups:






Speaker, Professional Development, Youth Camp OPTIONS

Tracy will always leave you and your Team inspired, motivated and equipped with tangible PlayFair tools to immediately start applying to make sustainable change within yourself, the people you engage with and in the places you work, play and live.


Inspirational Olympic Story with
PlayFair skill overview to improve Culture and Connection

Practical Skill Takeways

Interactive 60-90 minute motivational talk


Inspirational Olympic Story with
PlayFair Culture and Connection applied skill workshop on 1 or multiple PlayFair skills

Interactive discussion, active,sport-based learning activities with Practical Skill Takeaways


Youth Leadership

Peer to Peer

Half Day or Multiple Days

Professional Development

On-going Culture and Connection applied skill training using all 5 PlayFair modules

Interactive discussion, sport -based learning activities, and practical day to day application of  tools and techniques

Train the Trainer
Staff Sessions
Virtual Staff Huddles

Monitor and Evaluate Impact Create Sustainable Change

Speaker & Professional Development: Topics

Tracy will help participants assess personal strengths and challenges and improve awareness that everything they do, say and model shapes the people around them and molds the culture where they interact. 

PlayFair employs an applied and interactive, sport-based approach to build culture and connection through improving competencies in 5 core areas. 


Using the Olympic Values to Live and Inspired Life


Builds Culture and Connection by Asking about or Knowing someone’s story.


Builds Culture and Connection by Providing situations that promote risk taking and perseverance.


Builds Culture and Connection by Discovering and celebrating everyone’s strengths in your workplace.


Builds Culture and Connection by Providing a place that is supportive and tolerant, to listen and share one another ideas and beliefs. 

Moral Courage

Builds Culture and Connection by Being a mentor who has the integrity and advocacy to care, speak up and take action when nobody or everyone is watching.

What do you gain from participating in Play Fair training?


By the end of the training, your Coaches and Staff will be able to:

  • Build respectful and positive relationships.
  • Acknowledge and praise contributions and successes of individuals and the collective
  • Listen and freely share thoughts, opinions, and perspectives.
  • Advocate for others.



You have a more dedicated, productive, connected, and winning Team! 

Inspiring long-term sustainable change requires the ongoing commitment to and application of the PlayFair skills, tools and techniques.

About Tracy

Tracy Evans has distinguished herself through a lifetime of achievement, both on and off the field of play. A three-time Olympian (1994, 1998, 2002) and national champion in freestyle skiing, she became the first aerial skier to perform both a double-twisting triple somersault and triple-twisting double somersault in competition.

Equally impressive to her revolutionary performance on the snow are her trailblazing efforts to ensure sport delivers on the promise of its power, globally.

Following a volunteer trip to Rwanda, in 2008, Evans founded Kids Play International, a nonprofit organization which aims to promote gender equity and the Olympic values by introducing less familiar sports to youth in post-genocide affected countries.


Tracy Evans Olympian


“I have spent my career in recreation, but I have never seen that impact be more powerful than witnessing it ‘live’… They truly live up to their mission of “Breaking Down Harmful Social, Cultural and Gender Barriers.” 

Neil Marrin

Sports and Recreation Management, James Madison University; Hart School of Hospitality

“The workshop helped teachers respect each other and learn to work together… as a Teacher, I’ve adopted the PlayFair skills I learned into my classroom.”

Francoise, Rwandan Primary School Teacher and Kids Play Coach

“PlayFair is life altering. After experiencing the program, I am going to be more aware of my daily responses and practice not take anything for granted.”

Drew Seeley, Singer Songwriter and Actor, Kids Play Volunteer 2017

“Tracy’s easy-going style of speaking about highly emotional subjects, such as creating positive relationships between genders through sports, allowed our students to be virtually immersed in Tracy’s experiences.  She is a champion for what is good in our world at a time when her work is needed most..”

Peter Sadowski, Executive Vice President, Vegas Golden Knights, Adjunct law professor at the UNLV Boyd School of Law.

“Tracy’s keynote at the North American Society for Sports Management Conference made such an impression on sport management scholars.  If you have the opportunity to hear Tracy share, do yourself a favor and attend!

Dr. Lisa A Kihl, Director of the Global Institute of Responsible Sport Organizations, University of Minnesota

“Tracy was an inspiration. Her knowledge and her passion are evident when she presents and all who listen are driven to answer the call to serve others.”

Neil D. Marrin, Assistant Director, Marriot Faculty Fellow, Hart School of Hospitality, Sport and Recreation Management.

“I have witnessed first hand, the positive impact and change that the program has made on the youth and coaches. They learn (and utilize) relevant and inspiring life lessons taught through sport and the PlayFair skills”

Jaime Komer, Olympic Silver Medalist (Water Polo)

(PlayFair) “Teaches teamwork, fair play and equality between all genders and all types of people.” 

– Jeremiah Attaochu, NFL Player , Kids Play Volunteer

“”Tracy Evans is truly an inspiration. Her personal accomplishments and vision for Kids Play International utilizing Olympic values to promote gender equality in post genocide countries is genius. Our Rotary Club thoroughly enjoyed her presentation and passion for her programs and their impact on youth and adults.”

Cathy King, Intl. Service Project Director, Healdsburg, CA Rotary Club

Booking Inquiry

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